Tag Archives: GamesMatter

First Impression – Growing Pains

Unlike Gateways or the Adventures of Shuggy, I couldn’t give this one a full thirty minutes to an hour. Not because the game was that bad, but because what the game comes with does not take that long. So instead I spent the next little bit of time looking over the editor and the workshop somewhat. It’s a neat little game with some simple and fun features. Seems like it could be fun to make some levels and send them to friends to challenge them to complete them. Not really my thing though.

Would I suggest this game: Well, like I said above. It’s a neat little game, pretty simple, but still a little fun. If you want to make levels with the editor and challenge your friends to complete them that would be one fun thing you could do with it.

Would I play it again: Probably not. The game doesn’t really capture my interest all that much, it’s a little fun, but nothing I would play continually.

First Impression – Gateways

This is the second game from Smudged Cat Games that I also received from GamesMatter.

Just from what I saw of it to begin with this game looked the most interesting to me out of the three. I’m really very impressed with the mechanics of the Gateways. Kudos to the developer on that for making a very fun and well-developed mechanic there. Yes, it’s somewhat like an 8-bit platformer combined with portal, but it’s so much fun. Even though I usually do not get into platformers very much I really enjoyed this game. There’s a story there, but the gameplay itself is entertaining enough that it’s not really necessary.

Would I suggest this game: Definitely, it’s a really fun little game.

Will I play more of this game: I definitely will, might even do a stream of it in the next few days.

Link to Smudged Cat Games: http://www.smudgedcat.com

First Impression – Adventures of Shuggy

So this is my first “first impression” post, basically what it will entail is me playing a game for about thirty minutes to an hour at most and then detailing what I thought of the game and whether I would suggest it to someone else and if I plan to continue to play it myself past that point.

The first game is Adventures of Shuggy, I got this and two other games from GamesMatter through Twitter, all three games were made by Smudged Cat Games. Their website is http://www.smudgedcat.com

I’ll start this off by honestly saying this isn’t the type of game I’d normally pick up for the PC usually, but when I started up the game I liked the art style and the design of the character. It’s amusing and a neat and unique style that definitely seems to fit together throughout the game. I liked the comic style introductions and transitions it used, though I’m not entirely certain about the flow of the story in the intro.

Once I got into the games themselves they were interesting and provided unique little challenges, but honestly it was not anything I had not seen in a number of games on the mobile market. Though the addition of so many different mechanics did make it a little more interesting. Though the difficulty of challenge in the levels did not always seem to scale well, but that could be different from one player to the next. For me sometimes I’d have a hard time on one level and then breeze through the next one that had just opened up from beating that one.

Would I recommend this game: Maybe, it depends on whether you’re a fan of platform games and escalating challenges with a number of different mechanics being thrown at you. What will keep a player here is definitely the challenge and the gameplay, and not the story.

Will I continue to play the game: I’ll play it some more, but honestly I cannot say that I was enjoying it that much. The story didn’t really invest me in it enough for me to keep going through the different levels. While the new challenges were something, it still grew repetitive and boring to me over time, but then I’m a big RPG fan.